Bruce Qin

Application of IoT in Remote Patient Monitoring

Smart health monitoring system of patient through IoT is the revolution of traditional healthcare modes. The increasing use of medical wearables helps in preventing epidemic as well as getting real

What is the Zigbee Alliance

The ZigBee Alliance is a not-for-profit association of technology companies that promotes interoperability for low-power wireless devices cost-effectively.

Manufacturing IoT devices in China: What Should I Know?

Manufacturing, one of the world’s largest industries, cannot help but be impacted by digitalization. Worldwide, economic processes and social interactions have dramatically transitioned due to the IoT’s explosive growth.  Because

Tuya Smart Home Zigbee Gateway

Tuya Gateway can connect to Tuya’s ZigBee devices. You can control the device through the gateway through the Tuya App or Smart Life App.

Tuya Router Gateway

The tuya router gateway is developed based on DSGW-020-3, it can be connected to tuya’s ZigBee device and WiFi device. You can control the devices via the gateway with the

Bruce Qin is currently the IoT gateway product manager from Dusun IoT. He specializes in hardware and software knowledge sharing for IoT devices, especially gateways, including modules, protocols, embedded development, and applications.


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